The longest journey

It all started in NYC. I was at this beautiful hotel, I was walking on the cool marble floor, barefoot. I look down and realize I’m just in my towel. As I’m speed walking to the elevator I slip and fall and look up at an old friend I haven’t seen in years. She had moved to Italy. We laugh over the circumstances and she walks with me, I look up and realize we are in Chicago. I have no clue how we walked there in 5 minutes but she lets me use her shower so I can finish getting ready. I’m trying to find my earrings so we can go back to the hotel, but their are earrings everywhere and none match. I’m sifting and shaking the contained and finally I see the matching pair at the bottom and reach to grab them, I look up and we are at a train station. Except, something’s not quite right. It almost looks like a theme park instead. As we walk down to board the train this group of guys follow us on. They sit directly behind us and one tries to rip my earring off. I’m trying to fight him off but my body keeps slipping into a deep sleep, I can’t stop his hands from grabbing me and as I finally fall into sleep, I wake back up into reality…

Two dreams One night..

The first dream was amazing, I went on two dates. The first one was pretty much awful. He was rude and obnoxious. But the second one was somehow perfect. But he had to fly to Mexico straight away and leave me behind for awhile so he had me take him to the airport and he whirled me around the entire place kissing me so passionately. He looked like a younger version of someone I know. To my disappointment on one of the last kisses before his flight, I woke up into reality…

Then came a second dream. I was in this futuristic dorm, but it was gigantic. I was supposed to be meeting a guy there and somehow he had my phone and I had his. All of these girls kept texting his phone like rapid fire. It was so annoying. And then the person that was supposed to drive me to meet him got arrested and she was literally dragged out of the building. Then I had to go on some quest for a key that could take me to him. Part of me felt like it was a waste of time to go through so much trouble, but the other part wanted to meet him so bad. Then I woke up into reality…

The Baby Shower

My cousins girlfriend was having a baby. For some reason we were all in Italy. We went to this huge plush pastel colored Italian restaurant. But at the entrance of the restaurant they had a diagram of all of the mobster people that had been killed there. It looked like a child’s play toy. But when you opened the front of the houses you saw all of these black and white figurines falling do their deaths from being shot. We sat at this giant square table. And somehow I ordered everything in Italian. All of the gifts she received were made from wood, and she wanted extra glitter on everything. Every time she would open a gift, that’s all she would say “more glitter”
Then my phone went off and I woke up. Back to reality.

The Three Part Nightmare

This was a series of three nightmares that woke me up last night.

1) I was laying down in a pitch black room. I couldn’t see anything, except these two big black eyes and I could see a shine in them. I didn’t know what it was but all of the sudden I could hear growling and snarling. In my mind I was convinced it was a bear. I could feel the fear choking me, and then I snapped awake…

2) I was in the middle of nowhere with a guy. We were walking around and all of the sudden he just left and I was in tears by myself in this creepy woods…

3) I was on a boat in the ocean, but it was more of a raft. All of the sudden the waves started to pick up and I could see sharks in the water. They were just waiting for me to fall off. Just as a wave was flipping my raft over into the waiting sharks water, I woke up finally back into reality. And turned all the lights back on.

The wedding venture

It all starts with me and my friend, the funny Greek with gorgeous pink hair, traveling through the countryside finding odd weddings. The first one is a wedding that just appears by chance on a golf course. Randomly, in the middle of the day, chairs just appear and then bam, the guests are there. As the bride enters the fabric of her dress is so long it is billowing up through the air, surrounding the entire wedding in white. Then we are in a field, waiting by a stream. We are cooling our feet in the water, when we hear the music. We walk over to the rocks and there through the clearing is the second wedding. But this time, they are marching through, as a whole, while the ceremony is taking place. As we watch through the trees we turn and are in a car, on a curved road, there is a long line of cops ahead of us, and I can’t keep control of the car. They pull over every car around us and let us by. Then we are at the location for the third, and final wedding. It’s at the base of a waterfall, which is this dark rich mahogany color. For some reason there seems to be glass covering the wedding. We stare down from above as it takes place. Then I awake back into reality.

Assassins Creed

I’m staying at a beautiful, luxurious hotel. I’m just hanging out in the room, but all of the sudden I get a strange feeling. I put my ear up to the door and I can hear men coming up the stairs to my room. I don’t know how, but I know they are here to kill me. I run out of the room, and sure enough, they are all in black with guns blazing. For some reason, I can’t just leave the hotel, I have to keep going higher and higher. As I’m waking past I can hear gun shots behind me, and I’m only praying that they aren’t hitting anybody. I stop to warn a woman, when I hear a shot, and wake back up into reality…

The Visit

It all starts with a trip to NYC. We are going under this bridge and you look up and it’s a Christmas scene above your head. They are murals every so often and statues. And once in awhile there is a door. And they say if you can pass through that door it takes you to another world. All of the sudden I’m with my best friend and we are with a bunch of my guy friends. We start playing all of these crazy video games that seem to take up the whole room and actually bring you into the game but it’s more real. When it’s time to leave I give everyone a hug. And one of the guys gives me a hug then asks me if I have been looking for the one. He points to his hair which has glasses etched into the side. He says he has been looking for someone and he just grabs me and starts kissing me. I leave and I’m back at that magical bridge to New York. But I’m helping a kid paint a boat. And we are singing all about that bass. As we paint the boat starts to drift off and the kid tries to jump in after it so I just hold it and try not to fall in because down below is darkness and sharks. Then my alarm takes me back to reality…

The Magic Town

I’m walking around my parents house, and I can feel it. I have powers rushing through my veins. I don’t know what all they can do but I know I will find out soon enough. My parents take my whole family and I for a drive somewhere. Through the glass I can see this gigantic butterfly following us and just watching me. It doesn’t scare me, because I get a sense this is a helpful being. We arrive at this Chalet town. There is a dusting of snow everywhere and somehow I have been changed into wearing a floor length yellow and black ball gown. This man comes out of no where to escort me in and I realize I have known him my whole life. It appears my best friend is also my body guard for this strange land. I walk into this grand wood carved church, there are carvings of flowers and summer scenes painted everywhere. Every seat is filled with a loyal person bowing their head as I walk the isle to the front of the room. It’s some time later and I’m waiting up front for my friend to speak to the room when people start attacking. It’s when my friends and family are in trouble that my powers are at their fullest I blast them all away with immense surges of fire screaming from my fingertips. Just as the battle is about to rage on…I’m awoken back into reality.


The Big Big Bang

It feels like I have had this dream before, but I still don’t know how it ends or why I’m there. I keep going up and down to check on my mother it’s as if she is pregnant but I know she isn’t. I keep bringing her baby clothes and telephones and whatever else she asks of me. Meanwhile, she keeps looking away from me. All of the sudden I’m hanging with the crew of the Big Bang theory and they are trying to re-write Batman, and trying to tell me that they have seen my mom before many many times. Finally I see what’s going on, there is a lawyer at the door and he is insane. He keeps telling me I’m hooked on cocaine and that my mom is suing for rights to my unborn baby. But, I have never done cocaine, how could she of gotten it into my system? Slipped a little here a little there just for the drug test. My fiancé runs to find his families long lost expert lawyer and while he is gone I wake back up into reality…thankfully it was all a dream.

The All-In-One dream

It all started with me going back to my old beauty school, they had turned it into a makeup school. It looked so awesome, but I was so mad that they didn’t have that when I was there, the teachers couldn’t remember me. Then I was all of the sudden in one of the girls weddings, but the people from my current salon which is about 3 hours away from there were also all in attendance. One of my good friends was there and her boyfriend kissed one of my coworkers right in front of me and then acted like nothing happened. We then proceeded to get on a yacht that flew like a speed boat and it took us to a memory factory. You would go up and down escalators and one had classic moments in history as told by the news, one had your life moments, and one was all Robin Williams, I started to cry in that one and then a little boy needed my help to get back to his bus. Jimmy Fallon came running in to get him and then I snapped awake into reality.